Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Do you want to die?

Vocabulary/conversation tic-tac-toe.  I decided to use this little knock off as a way to get my students to talk more.  I choose words in the workbooks we use and put them in a 3x3 grid, just like tic-tac-toe.  I then divide the class into 2 groups (only 3 of the classes actually work because the others are only 1-3 people). Then, the teams play rock-paper-scissors to see who goes first.  Once they choose a square, they have 3 minutes to talk with their team/partner to come up with a dialogue that incorporates that word.  Both people in the dialogue have to say that word in the right context to get credit - otherwise they lose their square.  Some of my kids have hilarious personalities - especially Catherine.  The first few classes I thought she was very reserved, but her personality has sure shown through. I love it! During one dialogue about exercise and ended it with "Do you want to die?"

I just started teaching a new class.  They are 7-9 and their English ability is beginner level. So, it's the best time because this is a class where I can incorporate songs, dances, drawings, and anything else my heart desires. I'm excited for them. Plus, they are SO cute. I should start a show - Kids Say the Darndest Things: Korea. :D

On the negative side - I was informed that my director complains daily about things around the school.  Lesson plans, lack of activities/games, money, kids, etc.  But also, I was told that Chong-wha used to do activities, but the director didn't support her, so I'm extremely confused.  Apparently Chong-wha has been talking about quitting. I hope not.

This past weekend, Chong-wha, her niece "Cindy," and I went to a temple quite a bit away. It was a blast.  Her niece is precious and wanted to come home with me. I wish!! She kept saying "Help me!" She thought it meant tickle me, but I corrected her and wouldn't tickle her if she said help - she had to say tickle. Updated pictures on my trip to the temple!

This is Chong-wha and her niece, Cindy. (I don't know her Korean name)

The tallest statue of Buddha in South Korea at Beopju-sa.

Korea's only 5-story wooden hall.

A well to drink water out of. Apparently it's really clean.

Koreans love the peace sign - so I'm spreading the peace :)

Cindy - SO cute.

Chong-wha's sister, brother-in-law, and niece. Her brother-in-law loves to drink soju with me and said I looked like an angel. So nice :)

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