Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Student Advice

Everyone can learn from anyone. Blanket statement? yes. True? Also, yes. 

One of my amazing middle school students and I had this conversation yesterday:
"Teacher, I must advise you. You must leave this academy."
"I am going to destroy this academy. Decay. Decay."
Why's that?
"I don't like the headmaster. All she cares about is money. She doesn't care about us."
Oh, so you'll destroy it?
"Yes. Spider webs everywhere and no students. Decay."

Now, what does that say about this institute when the students are telling me to leave? Yesterday I lost two students to another academy. They were my best and funniest elementary school students. I'm sad - I've grown attached to many of these kids.

Unrelated - my Korean sis has truly been a God-send. I told her about my situation with the Praxis test (not being able to register for it online). So, she took it upon herself to call the school in Japan and see if it was being offered, which it was. She went out of her way to help me take this test. She is so unbelievably kind. I can never repay her - ever. I was able to register by mail, and thanks to Mom, have it sent off and arrive before the deadline. So, everyone cross your fingers that I'm able to take it. I do feel kind of guilty because Trisha doesn't know that by taking this test, I am potentially going back to the United States. But, knowing her, she'll want me to be happy even if that means leaving Korea.

It was a perfect situation that I did not get those previous job offers for Korea. Had I taken any of those, I would not have met Trisha and would not be able to experience this wonderful giving person who conveniently speaks Japanese as well as English. Of course my mom is wonderful and giving - but she's my mom. This was a complete stranger who took me in as her sister. So kind. I'm floored.

Cross your fingers. Cross your fingers. Cross your fingers!

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