After researching the Praxis II dates and test centers, I had come to the conclusion that I was going to take the test January 15 in Fukuoka, Japan. I already cleared it with my director and so I checked one lasttime to make sure the Praxis II was offered at that time and at that location - it was. So, I proceeded to check out airplane tickets because those prices fluctuate. I noted that the tickets were significantly cheaper today, so I bought them. Then, since the price to register for the exam doesn't change, I registered after I bought the plane tickets.
Now, what was I thinking? Shouldn't I have registered for the test first and then bought the tickets? Is that the natural order of things, or does my brain not work that way?
After having bought the tickets, I began to register for the Praxis II: Elementary Education - Content Knowledge only to discover - the damned test isn't offered in Japan. Japan isn't even one of the options to choose when it says select country.
Face: hot. Mind: racing. Hands: trembling.
I frantically go back to the airplane ticket website only to be told...YOUR TICKET IS NON-REFUNDABLE. I cried.
Well, ain't that something. I just wasted $380 on a ticket to a place that isn't even offering the test. On top of that, I spent approximately $30 on the study book for the praxis. So, I decide to check the prices for Guam - the closest place the Praxis is offered....over $700 for a weekend trip. Not possible. That is blowing my entire budget of money I sent home from Korea on the tickets alone - nevermind the test registration fees, the housing costs, the food costs, the recreation costs.
So, I guess applying for Denver Teaching Fellows and Denver Teaching Residency is out of the question since I can't take the Praxis. But now for the real question - do I stay and not use the ticket to Japan, or do I go and just sight-see?
On another note, I got my hair cut yesterday. I took a picture of exactly what I wanted so the stylist could re-create it. Nope. She took off entirely too much length (6 inches, rather than 3). Other than that, it's an okay haircut.
Some recent photos...
The other new jacket. Thanks, Mom
Decent photo of the new hair.
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