Today is exactly 3 months in Korea. I must say that it has been the most interesting 3 months of my life. I've encountered really amazing people (the old man who spoke amazing English and said he had lots of girlfriends then asked for my number) and some not so amazing people (the old man yelling at me in the subway). Christmas is around the corner, and of course my completely wonderful "Korean Sis" has extended her heart and asked me over to have a meal. She is Buddhist and swears by her life that we knew each other in a previous life. Maybe so...we seem to think the same things at the same time quite frequently. Telepathy. I love her entire family. Her parents, her husband, her daughter, and of course her.
I went to the bank today and was told I had gorgeous eyes. Gotta love being a blue-eyed lady :)
Today, a man came into the institute to have a yelling throwdown (again) with my boss. This time, the entire staff was forced to stay until they finished (even though we didn't have any students for 2 hours and could have gone home at 5). I had no idea what was going on and being said, so I was utterly bored - I picked at the dead ends in my hair. After we were allowed to leave, Jung hwa, a new teacher, and I went to eat. There, I was bombarded with compliments from the new teacher including, "Your skin looks like Barbie," "You don't need make up," "You're so beautiful," blah blah blah. I actually feel quite uncomfortable when people say these things. I have no idea how to respond, so I just meekly say thank you. She did point out, however, that I needed a boyfriend. Ugh. I'm so tired of Koreans telling me I need to meet a nice guy, have a boyfriend, etc. I said, "No, I'm okay," but that response is like telling them North Korea is better than South Korea. They become defensive and insist that you MUST have a boyfriend. So, I just give up and say that yes, I need and want a boyfriend. Only because I don't want to prove my point by discussing my dismal history of men.
I may be getting my hair cut tomorrow. I don't know. I'm quite nervous. *crosses fingers*
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