Tuesday, October 4, 2011


Maybe two months ago, a house only two down from us got broken into.  Two laptops, a stereo, and a purse was stolen.

Christopher religiously goes to bed between 8 and 9. I get home anywhere from 10 to 12. Tonight, I happened to get home to the pleasant surprise of two cops parked right beside our house, one in our yard.  I get out and walk towards them only to find out that the (rather nice) house beside us got broken into.  The criminals jumped the fence in the back (which we share with that house) and broke into a window.  The alarms went off and spooked the criminals - nothing was stolen.

Two break-ins does not bode well.  I'm getting more and more scared to live here. I'm also getting a bit paranoid of coming home late at night carrying as much cash as I do.  Thankfully, Christopher is home (even though asleep) every night, so hopefully that wards off any attempted burglaries.

Jolene had to go to the vet today. Christopher was kind enough to take her while I went to work.  She has an eye infection.  Plenty of green discharge and a red swollen eye, but her spirits are high :) Such a trooper.  She's also keeping a vigilant eye on the house.  Any movement she sees outside of the windows brings barks.

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