Friday, March 11, 2011


So, I finally found out about Denver. I didn't get the job, but I am put on the waiting list. If anyone decides not to follow through with their position as a special educator, then I will be contacted. I just don't know how far down the waiting list I am.

Now is the big question - what to do now? I can see myself in Charlotte for a while. I love my friends here and I'm realizing how important family and friends are to one's well-being. In Korea, I was lonely. I had Trisha, but it just wasn't the same. Despite my wandering nature, I'm not a loner. I need friends and family to support me, to talk to, to do things with.

My cousin Katherine came to Charlotte for a couple days which was fun. We didn't get to hang out as much as I would have liked (because I work a crazy amount), but I enjoyed her time here.  I'm hoping to get a Monday through Friday 9-5 job. I miss having my weekends off and my nights to do things like go to dinner or out and about.

Now that it is March, Joe, Christopher and I are beginning to look for houses more seriously. I'm really leaving it up to them because I don't really care too much what we get. I gotta start thinking how I'm going to set up/decorate my room.  My sister is kind enough to give me her furniture. Gotta love it. I'm definitely painting it black, though.

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