Friday, January 14, 2011

Walking Out

So, I realize that I just walked out on my contract and my job in Korea. I am kind of upset about it, but at the same time - I know I need to look out for number one and keep myself happy. Since being back in the States, I've been myself. I'm so extremely happy to be back on American soil and to speak long words and have my speech understood. But now there is this huge obstacle looming in my way...a job. I have my interview for Denver Teaching Fellows January 22. I'm extremely nervous. I keep questioning myself - is this what I want to do? I know I'm no homebody, and I love to travel and teaching would give me the perfect opportunity to travel during the summers and still have a job to pay the bills.  Is that what teaching is, just a job? Some seem to doubt my motives for taking on this new idea. If I'm not passionate - then I'll hate what I'm doing and I'll want to quit within a year. I really hope to stick it out. But, I will complete my interview to the best of my ability and just see what happens. After that - it's out of my hands.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Anna,

    I'm also interviewing for Denver TF's on Saturday.

    I am beyond nervous. I feel very unprepared and even though I know this is what I want to do I am dreading the questions "Why do you want to be a teacher?"

    I think if you were prepared to teach in a foreign country you are prepared to teach in Denver.

    Anyways...I don't actually have much to say, I am mostly just glad to see another interviewee from out of Colorado!

    See you Saturday and best of luck!

