Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Wedding Bells

Sunday I went to Trisha's sister-in-law's wedding. The bride was gorgeous.  Her dress was as delicate as her frame. The ceremony hall was completely white with a long cat walk laid down the middle ending in the stage with a podium for the minister (?) I'm not exactly sure if ministers, or justices, or what conducts the wedding ceremonies, but there was a man standing at the podium that conducted the wedding.  This was not a traditional Korean wedding ceremony. The bride wore white and the groom wore a tuxedo - very contemporary.

To start, the two mothers walk down the aisle and then bow once they reach the end. They are followed by the groom and finally the bride.  Nobody stands up as the bride enters and walks. In fact, the audience claps as each person walks down the aisle.  The lights changed colors from blue to red to green and as the bride entered, all lights went out and there was a spotlight on her. Both the bride and the groom wear gloves and place the wedding rings on the fingers over the gloves. There was no "now you may kiss the bride." Actually, there was no kissing at all. There was very little contat with each other throughout the entire ceremony which only lasted maybe 15 minutes. Despite a spotlight highlighting the bride, during the ceremony the audience was not quiet.  Everyone was talking in the background and it seemed to be the norm.  I later asked if that was okay and apparently it's completely kosher for nobody to pay attention to the ceremony. It isn't the focus. I don't really understand the point of having the wedding then.

Some photos:

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