to Look a lot like Christmas...
Competely true. We've already had our first snow and places are putting up Christmas lights and Christmas trees. I was tempted to buy a little desk-sized Christmas tree for my apartment, but realized what a trivial expense for something I'll only have here...can't really (or don't want to, at least) take it with me. So, I'm passing on the festive decorations.
I have been doing exceptionally well lately in regards to my emotional state and home-sickness. But with all this festive activity going around, I've really gotten down. It makes me miss home, miss family, miss friends. I miss easy communication. I miss being able to run to the store to grab something and not be stared at. I miss logic. I miss non-greedy vultures of people. [Example - kids here DEMAND things, they don't ask...nevermind ask politely. Nor do they say thank you or show any kind of appreciation when you do something nice]. I miss Western culture. Also, I miss shoes that are big enough and pants that are long enough. Even in Itaewon, I couldn't find any cute shoes. :( I miss good music and good beer. I miss live music shows that aren't $100 to see.
People say that homesickness strikes about every 3 months. Well, December 10 is 3 months for me - and homesickness is compounded with the holiday season. Bummer.
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