In other news, Amanda found a website with a few options for a traditional American Thanksgiving meal. No worries, Mom, I'll be well taken care of. There is a cooking school in Itaewon and we are going to attempt to go there. It is 30,000 won, but if you bring a homemade dish, you get a 10,000 discount. So, I'm going to bring some mashed potatoes. That's easy since I have no oven to bake.
Things are going fairly well. I still haven't gotten paid. I have yet to get a paper bill for my cell phone, so I don't know how I'm to pay it...I guess I'll see if it gets cut off or what not. I'm not too worried about it, honestly. Being without a cell phone is actually quite liberating. I frequently forget mine at home when I leave because now that I know my way around decently, it's not completely necessary to have it on me.
The weather is getting colder here, and I'm loving it. Although I'm enjoying myself much more, it's difficult being this far away from family and friends during the holidays. I think it's worse that the same customs are not held here. I'm sure I would feel less lonely in a more Western country...pretty much Western Europe, but I'm thoroughly taking advantage of every opportunity presented while I'm here. I'm thankful that I am over here and that I have such amazing friends and family to support me and my decisions. Thank you all for your thoughts and prayers - they are much needed and appreciated. I love you!
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