Wednesday, October 20, 2010

The Life of a Korean Woman

Today was interesting.  Usually I get the "Teacher you so pretty" or "Teacher blue eyes," but today was an egomaniac's nightmare. (Good thing I'm far from egomaniacal)

My first class, Andy, a nine year old boy smarter than most, said, "Teacher, you have baby?"
"No, Andy, I don't."
"Why not?"
"Because I'm only 22 and don't have a husband."
"Teacher, you old. 22 is old."
"No, it's young!"
"No, 22 is old. 9+13. Teacher's old. I'm young."
Thanks, Andy!!

This is Andy and me.

In one middle school class, we were talking about the difference of cultures. What people look for in mates. I asked them to which they said "Everyone in Korea - pretty face first." So I asked what makes a person pretty and one kid, Luke, said "Plastic surgery." I couldn't help but laugh.

Then, one student asked "Teacher, are you married?" "No, I'm not married." "Teacher, you have a boyfriend?" "No, I don't have a boyfriend." "Oh, sad."

haha. So, I have realized through conversations with and expectations of my students as well as observation the life of a Korean woman. It goes a little something like this:
- go to school and date
- get married
- have [many] kids immediately
- be a housewife and mommy
That is it. That is all. Only in unfortunate families do women work.

To further stress how kind all the Koreans I have met are, I am compelled to tell this story.  Today, my smartest student, a third year middle school girl named "Ellen" came up to talk to me.  She usually talks to me a good bit between classes and she asked for my phone number and such.  Well, today she says that she told her mother about me, the native English teacher and her mother asked where I lived and if I was by myself.  Her mother told Ellen to invite me to their house for dinner and to spend time with her family! How unbelievalby generous and kind is that?! I was so touched.

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